

First produce of 2024, along with a few varieties of lettuce. Tomato seedlings are ready for transplanting into pots, then will put a few in the greenhouse, and hope it's not too hot for them.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo mi, fringilla ac ornare a, fringilla ac eros. Maecenas nisi.

Lorem ipsum dolor


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo mi, fringilla ac ornare a, fringilla ac eros. Maecenas nisi.

Mulberry Jam June 2023


Second batch was made from 1.2Kg white and black berries. Taking the stalks and core out is a pita!, a beer is essential.
Given the black berries are amazingly sweet, I only added 750g of sugar. I whizzed all the fruit in a blender, and cooked for 30 minutes with skins of two lemons, adding the juice for the final 5 minutes.

Partially set this time, and even more delicious than the first batch (bottom picture).

Walnuts and Fig Recipes, fingers crossed for a bumper harvest.



Cucumbers, peppers and chilies