Flower Power


Time to sort the front garden. The vegetables and trees remain the top priority, but still too early to be mass planting seeds. Dropped to -3C inside the greenhouse last night (1st Feb 2024). Plenty of things however stirring back to life in the front garden, so time to move a few things around and improve the soil quality.

Each Peach Pear Plum


A pair of quince!! (not pear) blossoms.

Sweet Cherry


Spring has sprung

April Fool's Day


The temperature in the greenhouse, with both doors and side windows fully open.
Not convinced it will be viable when the summer 40s come?!

Front Path Border Expansion


Whilst the front garden is pretty at times, the soil is poor and too many plants were too close to the path. Have widened the border by 100%. Will move all the roses to the back, away from the path and move the lilac rose from the side bed over, as the colour is delightful and needs a prime spot. Dug up the turf and cleared as much couch grass as possible, put a plastic barrier under the great wall of Bulgaria. Added some Sulphur (soil pH is about 8 so need to make it more acidic), fertilizer, few spades of sand and some peat. Will move the plants around later in the week, Up to 20C next Tuesday (6th Feb 2024) apparently!

What a difference a day makes


Shifted the lilac rose, pruned and shifted the incumbent roses to the back of the bed, split and moved a sedum and a few clumps of emerging bulbs.

Get your rocks off


8 roses in and the original bed dug over and all of the plants relocated around the rose border stones.
Just the lavender to sort, will probably just take cuttings from it as it's very woody and huge. Have about 30 packets of lavender seed, so the front row will be lavender, one day.
A bit of rock overload, but still got a gizillion tons in the garden, reusing where possible!