2024 Planting Diary


With typical New Year optimism, plan to record the various sowing sessions along the way. 
First job on New Year's Day, nursing a humdinger of a headache, no idea why, I set out to find my single heated propagator, clean it up and sowed 4 seeds each of 5 different chillies: Naga Morich, Carolina Reaper, Habanero Chocolate, Habanero Red and Bulgarian Carrot. Placed my data logger on top of the tray to monitor the air temperature. The propogator is located on the floor in the lounge, where the downstairs log burner is, so gets a brief boost in the evenings and like today (9th Jan 2024), when it's ff outside, the fire will be on most of the day. Propagation temperature has therefore ranged from 20-26 degrees C. (The ideal temperature for chillies is 25-27 degrees C).

Currently developing a spreadsheet of all the seeds I plan to sow. Will be able to generate a list for each month and includes useful info, such as companion plants and pairings to avoid. It's a slow process, interupted by beers and the usual daily chore distractions.

We have a Winner!


Just 8 days after sowing, the first chilli, a Habanero Red has burst into life. Given the ice outside and that the last frost date is April 10th, it'll probably be 6ft tall before we can plant it outside!

Outline Garden Plan


Bought a new heated progagator, first chilli sprouted in just 6 days, has a variable controller so maintaining a steady 25C atm. 
First seedlings to show in greenhouse are a few Peas and Brussel Sprouts. Only got a few trays rocking as winter is still very much around. Patience lad!
The planting scheme is in development, trying to keep the best companion plants together. Have probably missed half of the plants that I've got seeds for - and just ordered another 36 varieties!

March Planting Plan


The January/February seedlings are progressing, albeit slowly. 
It's difficult to regulate the greenhouse temperature, night time temperatures are still close to freezing, and during the day, if it's sunny, it's been 37C in there.
The seeds in the propagators don't seem to be getting enough light, so whilst they germnate quickly, progress thereafter is slow. Still now it's March 1st, the days will be getting progressively longer.
Still likely to have a return to winter, so not likely to sow all 139 varieties on the March Seed List!