June 2024

Just 7 days until the nights strart drawing in!

Been a busy month, a 6 Day stay in Sofia for Bobi to sit his final IGCSE exam, coinciding with both Bobi and Petya's birthday.

Entrusted the garden to Dimo next door, just to keep the greenhouse doors and windows open and to water anything not in the irrigation system.

Had a get together last night (to celebrate all our birthdays), with the immediate neighbours, so had Bulgarians, a Scot, an Aussie and a half Aboriginal lad, retired at 2am, apparently it went well!

Hail Hail Rock and Roll


Announcing itself with a few flashes and rumbles, we suddenly had an inch of rain in 30 minutes and hailstones the size of Maltesers. Fortunatley no holes in the greenhouse, but lots of plants with severed branches. Flaming June! (but significantly more summer like than poor old Blighty).

Tall Story


With the temperatures so high, only a few fruit have set so far, but boy can these toms grow, the ones at the back already >6ft tall.
A few chillies and peppers developing nicely on the nearside, no superhots as yet, lots of Bulgarian Carrots though.

From the bottom up


Lots of squashes, water melons, melons, chillies and toms, oh and a row of sweet potatoes beginning to motor on..
The two trees in the garden are Walnuts, currently with lots of nuts developing nicely, but we don't count our chickens!

Cor blimey!


The courgettes are motoring on too, going to have to start giving them away soon. Aubergines and cucumbers are betwenen the courgettes and greenhouse, plus seseme, salad leaves and all sorts of stuff!

Knows his onions


Sprouts and artichokes in the front, leeks on the left, onions (red and white) in the middle and broccoli and cauliflower at the back. A couple of comfrey in the mix too for composting as their deep tap root captures lots of useful minerals.



Repotted all the overwintered geraniums from last year, white reds and purples. Need to build the plant stand in the stairs recess asap, building stuff seems to be on hold at the moment.