The Garden


Right, it's 16th December 2023. Time to revamp this section.


Our total plot is just over 2000sqm, I've commandeered the bottom end (the Northerly end).


Having arrived in May and didn't really get much planting done until June, what with sorting immigration paperwork and having to dig lots of new beds.


We grew lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, water melon, melons, squash and pumpkins, peppers and chillies. Sweetcorn, peas and salads were all a disaster. The cabbages were mostly eaten and the celery not watered enough.

Plenty to take onboard for 2024, which will be jump started with the greenhouse and hopefully we'll have a working well providing all the water we'll ever need. 


Will have tons to do.

Want to nuture the walnuts, cherries, pear and fig trees. Hopefully acquire a lot of fruit trees and establish an orchard section down the very bottom of the garden.

Have a lot of pruning and propagation planned for the vines and roses. Whilst not my top priority, it would be good to keep the front garden tidy and pretty, plan to move some plants around as some are too close to the paths and inconveniently placed.


Plan to re-roof the garden shed - creating overhangs to allow the water to drain away from the walls and hopefully extend it's life. Going to create a log store at one end of the shed and a bike store at the other.


My next wood project will be to knock up some simple A Frame planting stations for the greenhouse, where the seedlings will hang out. Half the greenhouse will be for tomatoes and cucumbers, the other half for seedlings to the point of being able to be planted out.


The pictures of the 2023 season will gradually disappear as 2024 springs into life.


Watch this space!

6th April 2024


Bed on the left prepared for the chillies, peppers and cucumbers. Started potting on the tomatoes, will put one of each inside, the rest outside. Not enough hours in the day now!

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Lorem ipsum dolor


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo mi, fringilla ac ornare a, fringilla ac eros. Maecenas nisi.

who's gonna ride your wild horses?


A 13 HP beastie. Where we're going we don't need beds.

Arrived today 2nd April 2024. One hour on idle, half way through the 5 hour running in phase, of "light" work. Then have to change the oil, flush it, then good to go.

Lorem ipsum dolor


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo mi, fringilla ac ornare a, fringilla ac eros. Maecenas nisi.

Can't Figure this out


Never one to count one's chickens, but the two fig trees have made a good start. Must have been the wizardry pruning ;-)

For Peat's sake


I had ordered 30 250l bales of peat, some perlite and fertilizer, due to be delivered on Tuesday. It had been snowing overnight when we get a call, "can we deliver now?". "We're busy all Tueday and your stuff takes up the whole van".
A stroke of luck - the snow will be gone by Tuesday, we were able to shift the whole lot down to the greenhouse using gravity and pushing the bales down the slope on the slippery snow. All done in 20 minutes - would have taken all day without the snow!

That escalated quickly


Dimo next door finally made good his promise to use his walk behind petrol tiller to turn over our beds. 

Ended up turning over half the garden!

It needs another going over and removal of the greenery and roots.

Hot House Flowers


More seedlings rocking. Radish and lettuce coming on nicely.

2024 and we're off


Starting 2024 as we mean to go on. Five different hot chillies gently toasting in a heated propagator. 

Spring is in the air



Cherries getting ready to blossom



Our first cherry blossom of 2024.