The list of things to do grows longer by the day


Pretty sure I made a decision to retire! Though I've never been one to sit still for more than a minute before wanting to get on and do something (ok, I've sat through many a Bristol City match and lasted the full 90 minutes, but that was fun?).

I digress. This will be a place for adding some of the mundane mini projects. Will leave out putting the bins out twice a month, but will add others that were either satisfying doing or have added value to our lives, or the house.

Stairway to Heaven


The stairs face due south and are sun baked all summer. Whilst previous repairs were obviously failing, they all came home to roost when we had a heavy storm move in from the south, water cascading into the pantry below. A refurbishment before winter sets in required.

Bottom Step


The bottom step had parted company from the remaining stairs and the top plaster coating was no longer adhered to the concrete base material.
Removed most of the loose plaster back to the concrete, used various lotions and potions to fill the void and make it all waterproof.

Awaiting a few dry and warm days to sanddown the new plaster and apply a sealant and a new grey topcoat to all the steps. The finished work will appear on the right in due course.

Here's the halfway landing


This had the worst of the cracked "plaster", most was loose so took all back to the concrete base. Now, mostly flat and sealed ready for the final coat. It is December so unlikely to be finished this year!

And, finally


With Petya and Bobi away in Sofia, for Bobi's GCSEs, I had a 3 week window to complete the stairs. Sleeping in the downstairs bedroom meant no traffic!

First two weeks were April shower weather, but finally, done. (Well I might get to do a second coat before Wednesday when they're back).

Yes, ok


Banisters need a good filling and repainting, and then the walls of the house, but the stairs project is pretty much done. Let's see how the paint stands up to 40 degree sunshine over summer

Pretty pleased


It's easy to get carried away and try to make everything perfect, I just had to keep telling myself, they're just sodding stairs!

Wood you believe it?


Having plagiarised designs for a chicken coop, greenhouse planters and much more, we purchased a small forest, had it chopped and cut and is now wrapped up for the winter out the back. Oh, and there's about 15 sheets of OSB in the shed.

How it started.......


Rather than fix the stairs, the previous owners had made various attempts to stop the water getting in to the pantry. Obviously when water has gotten this far it's too late, so a lot of lifted plaster and eroded mortar.

...... 4 days later


Petya's Christmas Present! (though she can't reach the top two shelves, so they're mine).

The new shelves are the only things straight or parallel.

Seed Tray Stations


16th Jan 2024, have now completed 3 simple A frames for holding the seed trays.
They're a bit "chunky" but should survive a direct asteroid hit. 

The south end


The third A Frame is at the other end.
Current plan is to have some early cropping tomatoes and cucumbers in the middle. But plans change on a daily basis - all about maximum utilisation of the space, whilst being able to access everything. Complete novice with greenhouses, so all experimental.

Bike Shed


Frame up and base laid with concrete, to match slope of shed base. Roof panels cut, need some propane to adhere the bitumen roof sheeting, Afix roof and panel two sides.

How it started


3 waste outlets heading into one 4 way joint was probably not the finest hour of the previous plumber.

A tad neater!


The dishwasher, kitchen sink and washing machine each have their own vertical connection to the waste pipe

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo mi, fringilla ac ornare a, fringilla ac eros. Maecenas nisi.