First snow since arriving in Mamarchevo (26/11/2023)
Sun arise, she come with the dawning (Varna 22/10/2023)
The new arrival
More snow 2nd Dec 2023
Mustang evicted when sand and chippings dumped on drive - not impressed!
How did this happen!?
Reflections in Varna
The quince in bloom
Food Parcel arrives!
Mustang gets a tan, courtesy of the Sahara (or probably a Middle East desert)

28th May 2024.

"Don't you understand what I'm trying to say
Can't you feel the fears I'm feeling today?
If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away
There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave
Take a look around you boy, it's bound to scare you, boy
And you tell me
Over and over and over again, my friend
How you don't believe
We're on the eve of destruction"


Originally set up this website to document the trials and tribulations of leaving City life in the UK to setting up home in a remote village in Bulgaria. But as time moves on, it's proving difficult to provide a coherent timeline and the relevance of life's buggerations along the way fade to near irrelevance.
So, (never start a sentence with "so"!) it's constantly morphing and is currently mainly a photographic snapshot of village life in South East Bulgaria. 2000 miles from the rapidly declining UK and too close to the Ukraine for comfort. We've just notched up our first year of living in the village. We've plenty of Bulgarian friends and interact with an active expat community, with French and Brits heading up a long list of nationalities. 


Off to Sofia at the end of the week (31st May) for two family birthdays and the concluding GCSE exam to complete Bobi's Year 11 studies.
We'll then enjoy the summer, no doubt centered around trips to Varna and hopefully venturing down to Tsarevo and further on the Black Sea coast.


More than happy to answer any questions relating to the process of moving to Bulgaria, it's not overly difficult and safer than a dinghy. Just send a message on the "Contact Us" page.